Trigger Activation Funnel

Oh. Just to alter the booleans in game?

Yeah very easy to see on and off inputs

I only see 3 triggers. Where’s the 4th trigger to trigger the one in the middle?

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It’s the button (I changed it so I can use player input)
you have to wire the thing a certain way or else it acts very weird due to AUO

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Genious, like literally.

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Ok. This system looks nice! I just used delays to avoid AUO. (I’m too lazy to place it in a certain way).

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If you’re using wires and worried about AUO, use wire repeaters. they cut the signal to the next tick.

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Yeah, but delays are just better. I just need a prototype before I design AUO.

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Well, I tried that and it didn’t work with my XOR gate well. (had to resort to AUO for that one)

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weird. I’d be surprised if that was a resolution issue, because unless you were switching around wires and channels, resolution wouldnt have been an issue.

it looks like you had repeaters on EVERY signal, but if a wire is hooked to a repeater hooked to a wire, its gonna have the same auo type effect as a wire hooked to a repeater hooked to a wire.

one wire needs to NOT have a repeater in order for it to work right, so that might’ve been the problem

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I don’t really recommend looking at the example above (I compressed the thing or else it would look like a mess), but here’s the expanded version of the OR gate:
Screenshot 2023-11-15 12.36.18 PM
I used the wire repeaters to reset counters when it reached a certain value or to reset a trigger when a trigger is activated for this example. But when I tried to use wire repeaters to set a certain action to happen on a different tick, AUO still applied to it, which messed with the output for the XOR gate (not this gate)


So basically, you encode the data into another trigger and then access that data later?

Yeah, but due to AUO I had to adapt some of my systems to happen through device to device AUO reactions/interactions so that they could actually work with the inputs or data. (Which can be seen here)

My system broadcasts on a channel at the end, instead of storing the data. Storing it might be a better idea… I could make it a wiki and we could have all of our systems there. Basically 3 phases: input, process, and output.

Yeah, broadcasting/sending a signal would be better than storing data since it would allow you to chain together gates like in real life
heres an example (flipflop circuit):Digital Circuits - Flip-Flops
but I think that’s a little too advanced for a gimkit… Well unless we have the greatest minds working on it lol.

There is no such thing as ‘too advanced for gimkit’ :stuck_out_tongue:

i feel dirty using that emoji idek why

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