Track certain player death

Is there a way to track a certain player, and transmit on a channel when that certain player dies?

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You can use blocks to figure out if a given player has a certain username and/or is on a certain team, but other than that I’m not sure…


A good way to do that is to move them to their own team when the game starts, when they are on that team, you could connect the knockout checker to a relay block checking for players on that specific team. The relay function will be connected to a counter that increments or decrements its value of it based on how many people are on that team (the wire between the relay and the counter will be set to increment value), then you could also connect the counter to a trigger, for it to check if the value is at zero. When the value reaches zero, you can transmit it on channel.


@Ben10 Would this still work even if it is a FFA map?

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Since the free for all mode basically uses all the teams since it sets each player to one team, I guess you could designate one team as the one you will select. I’m not sure if you can use more teams than there are than players, but as long as you don’t have the max amount of players, you should have a bunch of extra teams.