Tomatian Way to making Red light Green Light! [ šŸŸ© ]

Iā€™m pretty sure that there is already some red light green light games in gimkit creativeā€¦
But thereā€™s no harm done making more!ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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Please remove your real name from your bio, that is personal information, and is public. As well, I recomend filling out your bio. As well, make sure you are age 13+.


Ok I am also not aware where my name is in my bio.
please tell me where.
I have read the guidelines.

Yea, there is, but this is a simpler way to do it, yet it costs more memory.

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oh. Well then, thanks for the tutorial!

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Oh, those are just tips for every new user, donā€™t put your real name.

Ok phew I thought that you meant I had put my real name on accidentšŸ˜…

Not Really

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(post deleted by author)

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Please calm down on the emojis.


Itā€™s not their real name, I donā€™t know them personally, or much at all.


I just added a ā€œWhy does this work?ā€ section!


I would like it, but I ran outā€¦

Aria, set a reminder for :when-i-get-my-likes-back:!

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And also, Iā€™m still memorizing, is :green_square: still 2/10, or 3/10?

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0/10 - :white_large_square:
1/10 - :green_square: or :blue_square:
2/10 - :green_square:
3/10 - :green_square:
4/10 - :yellow_square:
5/10 - :yellow_square:
6/10 - :orange_square:
7/10 - :orange_square:
8/10 - :red_square:
9/10 - :red_square:
10/10 - :purple_square:
11/10 - :purple_square: or :skull:
:infinity:/10 - :black_large_square:

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Bump! Guys, stay still. Donā€™t move


reply deleted by hth; off-topic

Bump, anyway ā€œIā€™VE PLAYED THESE GAMES BEFORE!ā€

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