Tips for saving memory

Hey, I’m looking to make the ultimate guide on how to save memory, and I want to compile everything anyone can think of. Do you guys have any ideas? (you will be cited in the guide)


Don’t use that many walls, use barriers if u run out


There’s some stuff at the bottom of my coder’s mindset guide.


Maybe try reading these guides (both very short):


If the player will never be able to see it (only applies to props and terrain) then it’s not needed. Corners are not needed. Wire repeaters take up 1/8 the memory of a trigger.

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Yeah, maybe try using camera views and cut off lots of walls? Might add more memory actually…


Only use camera views when necessary…


yeah, ive already found pretty much every resource there is on saving memory. thanks though!

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how would you use wire repeaters instead of a trigger? (and why)

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In a trigger clock, use one trigger and one wire repeater instead of two triggers. It uses 1 and 1/8 triggers of memory (48) instead of the usual two triggers (80 memory).


wait why would anyone use a trigger clock lol (also dont forget wire cost)

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couldnt you just chain the button signal so if it triggers channel ‘a’ when its pressed then it also deactivates on channel ‘a’ signals

sorry if im breaking down the example im just confused why anyone would chain with triggers (ig its still a useful tip ty both)


Yeah, it’s just examples and a comparison between Wire Repeaters and Triggers

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Have you found anything more with gimkit quantum mechanics?

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nope, still waiting on a reply from josh

hopefully i can find some tricky tricks tho :smiley:

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Ok. I’m gonna do some more research on it now.

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probably not the place to talk about it but pls lemme know what you find

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You can just make a help post about it we can discuss it there

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Trigger clock are more versatile, use less memory than a repeater, and have no limits on how many you can place. They can also run block code in the repeater itself.

They are just better than a regular repeater in almost every way.


Make sure to change all of the floor in the map options

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