Thumbnail Request (Untitled Goose Game)

So as the title states, I need a thumbnail for a game Recreation of the 2019 Game Untitled Goose Game by House House

There are no requirements I just need a straightforward thumbnail
I made a thumbnail for the game, but I want a better thumbnail from the community, Sort of like the one I used in the photo bellow

The thumbnail I made

I’m excited to see what creative ideas you can come up with! Please feel free to share any sketches, concepts, or questions you may have.

  1. Echo is better 2. I think @Spydecraft245 can help do this

I could ask them, but I don’t want to ping them and take up their time

I think you are not allowed to ping artists for requests, correct me if I’m wrong.

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Fair point

Sorry, I didn’t know that

Quick question, what do you want to be happening in the thumbnail? Like whats it about?

There is no requirements, Maybe add the turkey (idk the name)

No there are no requirements

I will make tomorrow. =D


Here is a sketch, which is basically just gobbler running from an angry mob.


Amazing @Lucky_0p (even though a sketch)

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Hello, what was that ping for?

Help with a thumbnail

You’re going to get your game taken down due to copyright (using the game’s name), most likely.

I mean, you gotta point there… How about the untitled gimkit game- No, That sounds bad… The untitled gobbler game? nah, The Untitled creative game?

As long as it’s not the exact same thing. (also, Untitled Gim Game or Untitled Gimkit Game doesn’t sound that bad).


Yeah, People have said that before, I already decided to call it Untitled Gim Game.

Also how’s the thumbnail going on @Lucky_0p?

Good, it looks like this currently:

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Looking good so far!
I like it