Thumbnail request: Survival

You wake up in an abandoned warehouse with only a pickaxe and your sanity

Hand drawn or online made. Just add a basic Gim, pickaxe, and abandoned warehouse.

Welcome to the Forums, @CrispySigma_OG ! I will do this thumbnail… any Gim is fine?

Any Gim is fine. Thank you!

Could you also add the title “Warehouse Survival” and put the creators name (Mine) and put the thumbnail artist’s (Yours) You are awesome!

ok thx


I think i’m close to done…

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That is so good! How did you do that in less then a day? Amazing.

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I could maybe later.

Okay perfect! If we get enough people we could do a poll. Or we could between you two.

I can see what i can do

and new thumbnail coming up!!

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I can try!

i love the style.


Smug of thumbnail request that famous thumbnail makers aren’t looking at
This might be my best work yet

great job it looks simlar to @HaildappleYT


but your credits are not really visble.