Thumbnail Request (Platformer)

Tell me if I have to do anything to fix my thumbnail for I gtg right now

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Yeah that’s ok I’m like competition and thx

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Did you find one yet?

not yet but i will in a sec

Thanks a lot, that will help a lot

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Do you think you could send me a picture of a gimkit flag for the last stage

Maybe a red one
I don’t know

alright gimme a sec :smiley:

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Screenshot 2024-04-14 3.18.38 PM

I am finished!

Final Product

Hope you like this! It took a very long time.
(I regret my life choices)

Thank you so much for making one for me!
I will give you credit in the description whenever I post it.
Thanks Again!

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Just kidding! This is the real one:

i just realized my name is in the floor in the 5th island

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Oops! Let me fix that.

here is what i made!


But I have a couple of questions @gimcraftor .
1st why is the name “Playe”
2nd what are those green things
and 3rd what are those orange things

(hey, thanks for the compliment abt the thumbnail! :D)

sure, i’d be happy to answer ur questions about the thumbnail!

  1. the name “Playe” is cuz the game is about you playing various games right? so i thought it’d be a simple and cute way to represent it :slight_smile:
  2. the green things are little blobs of slime. think like those slimes in the game “Slime Simulator 3”, but just a bit more simplified design :slight_smile:
  3. the orange things are orange-colored balloons

Could you by any chance change the name to Ultimate Gimkit Parkour?

(post deleted by author)