I need a relatively simply thumbnail for tag if anyone could try making one within 3 days .
Sorry about the short notice!
Basically I need an Adam gim chasing Shadeborn gim in a spaceship( preferably using the spaceship interior for walls and th spaceship catwalk(grills) for the floor
Providing more details for your thumbnail request would help us better understand your vision. Without sufficient information, it can be challenging for artists to create something that aligns with your expectations.
Name of game: Tagup!
Summary: a game of tag with teleporters on a rocket in space
Setting: Rocket in space
Gims: Adam chasing Shadeborn
What gims are doing: Adam with Evil eye chasing Shadeborn
Author: Eneatix
I can try to make one
Thanks so much when can you get it done?
Bearing in mind that I’m in the uk so can’t really do much after 20.00 BST
Definitely before deadline
Thank you for the help
i might do this… gimme some time
Thanks a lot both . To be honest I’m struggling to tell which is better because they both have their weaknesses and strongpoints. I will absolutely credit when the game comes out. It’ll probably be at some point in two weeks after I’m back from holiday
Only one thing . The name is Eneatix not Enatix
Gm Man! I gotchu!
I could do it, is it top-down or platformer?
May I do one? I just saw this topic, so I’m wondering if I can do one
It’s top down but I’m going away in 3 hours so unless you can do it by then there is no pint as I am also uploading it in 3 hours