Thumbnail request for my h&s game

submissions will end Sunday at 12:00 P.M EST

Sorry but you canā€™t do that either

Continuing the discussion from Announcements/Additional Rules:

Just choose your favorite thumbnail :+1:

Custom gimsā€¦?!
Iā€™m doing one. :3

Uh oh
0w0_Cat joined, i might be cooked
Unless i somehow win

(Tbh i actually really like seeing good thumbnails and art)

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For the first time since I started. I decided to actually put effort in the title. I should do it more often honestly. It was fun. But what do u think? Anything u want me to change? :3


Im speechless, but Iā€™ll leave this open until the due date I provided (scroll up for details) but this isā€¦ wow it would take me years to make this.

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I feel like 0w0_Cat will win
They (i dont know pronouns) are very good at art

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Agreed, style pops, looks like it had effort and time put into it, but thereā€™s a chance for anything to happen

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Just a reminder that there are 2 days left for submissions!

Uh it wont let me mark solution

because its in Art you need to put it in Help to mark solution

So change it to help so i can mark a solution and close the topic


dont mark my post as solution, mark the winning thumbnail as solution