I am requesting a thumbnail for my hide and seek game I want one gim hiding in an igloo or a snow pile and the seeker checking around the area slowly approaching them making the hider shake in f3ar and sweat.
What Gims?
Whichever ones
ian has appeard
I’ll do one
I might make multiple gims hiding
Fine with me whichever style you do is your like, (I personally like all styles, makes people who they are)
Does anybody have any progress? I plan to release the game sometime this week, no rush just wondering…
i might do one
Everyhting helps
i see you ian
Uhhhhh, what the name of the game?
Just hide and seek
After the week ends i will put everybody’s submission in a pole
thumbnail polls are banned
Oh, why?
cuz of a lot of rude and off-topic posts
Oh, understandable.
What if i put it in a google forms
i guess that works
I will do this