Thumbnail Request for game of life game

not saying the otherone is bad its cool

thank you, @NoTimeToBleedQQ , that is a good thumbanil, but not what i am looking for

bru I work on that for 2 HOURS AND U OFFEND ME!

@PokeFan, where do you want the corner couches to be? (like sitting on the floor, or with gims jumping on them in the air or something else?)

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with gims jumping on them
sorry @NoTimeToBleedQQ I was in a bad mood earlier because I had to take my dog to the vet

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it is a really nice thumbnail,

Hey @PokeFan, sorry for another question, but I know the background should have the specific gims jumping on the corner couches and then also infected items, but what should the actual background be?
Do you want a specific color or a space background, etc? Thanks!

Any kind of gradient color you think would go well, Iā€™m not a good artist, so Iā€™ll let you choose the color. Also, sorry for any confusion, but the game should be made by PicklePro+, I put my other screen name for my forum name.Thanks!

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Sorry for even more confusion, but the game now needs to say made by PokeFan instead of PicklePro+. Sorry! @Mee

Yes @Rainbow , you can make one

Thank you for reminding me (I knew I was forgetting something). Iā€™ll get right on it! (Iā€™ll let you know if I fail) @PokeFan

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Thank you @Rainbow ! I have working on my game for a year and a half(I donā€™t have a lot of time), and now itā€™s finally ready and all I need is a thumbnail!

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Yeah I got you, let me cook (this may take me a bit longer because Iā€™m going to attempt and layer this one, so if the layers go completely wrong I need time to fix it lol)


Just so you know @Rainbow , the deadline is this Friday, September 20. Sorry if it is too soon!

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I think I can do that. Plus Iā€™ll keep you updated on questions I might have during the drawing process. @PokeFan

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Well I havenā€™t started yet but I think I will now @PokeFan! Just a few questions. So, is there a specific background you want? (like do you want the background to be spacey, colorful, etc). I know @Mee already asked this, but I donā€™t think you ever gave a specific answer. You said pink evil plants, so do you want/need multiple in the thumbnail? (if so, is there a specific amount you want). Are there any specific infected items you want and/or could I just draw a prop that usually isnā€™t infected and then make it infected? Sorry for all the questions but if I donā€™t ask these things I tend to get ā€œderailedā€ and make something with none of the requirements on accident.

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Sorry for not replying sooner @Rainbow , any color blue gradient backround, 2 pink evil plants, and infected bookshelves.

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Itā€™s okay! (please note I will take longer because you took longer to reply). I shall try and fit it in to the thumbnails I am doing this weekend! May have more questions later though.

Just a plain blue background @PokeFan? (Iā€™m not sure what people mean by ā€œgradientā€). Did you want books on the book shelf or is it just a plain bookshelf with nothing in it (if yes to books, would you like specific colors and/or for the books to have the same ā€œinfectedā€ look as the bookshelf).

Please try to answer soon, I canā€™t start this thumbnail until I know all the details (I hope you understand that thatā€™s why Iā€™m taking so long)

Well you never answered my question @PokeFan, plus the due date was a week ago (I asked on time, you just never answered)

So I will no longer be doing this thumbnail, sorry!