I am making Don’t Look Down Pt. 2 and need a thumbnail.
Please be more specific on what you want. Use this format
- Title
- summary
- setting
- gims
- gim action
- author
Got it.
Title is Don’t Look Down Pt. 2
The summary is just the continuation of Dld
Gims can be Gus, Summit Seeker, and any other Dld related gims
gims can be climbing/falling or running on the terrain
the author is me, @THEGIMGUY84
be done by friday
Thks. I will look forward to it.
hey @THEGIMGUY84 , could you send reference pics of the Gims you want?
Yes, here they are:
And the default skin in the background, maybe falling?
I used the tent falling, that okay?
Love the design. In terms of the tent, you can use anything you want for the design.
okay, thanks!
I might get a wixsiter to digitalize it for me, since I cant draw on computers
Can I make a thumbnail too?
I’m signing off for the night, but I will come back tomorrow.
Yes! Everyone is welcome to try at this!
But I do need to go, though. See you tomorrow!
I might try if I have time.
(Why I’m I doing this to myself… I am already so busy…)
Also when is the deadline for this.
I’ll try my best to make the gims transparent. Also, I’ll maybe try to make it more realistic.
Here’s Option 1:
And here’s Option 2:
Now tell me which one’s best by these polls:
- Option 1
- Option 2
And thank you if you voted! Dino out! For now…
Awesome! I love it! I’ll still keep this open just in case I get any more thumbnails!