Thumbnail request for don’t look down 2.0

Hi I just really really really need a thumbnail for my map don’t look down 2.0 details:
:purple_circle:Summit 1/10 hoop land in the distance on the ground
:purple_circle:Some gims down at summit 1/10 hoop land
:purple_circle:Summit 2/10 closer up but still in the distance
:purple_circle:Also some gims at summit 2/10 robotic adventure
:purple_circle:Summit 3/10 miner valley closest to the camera
:purple_circle:2 gims on summit 3/10 miner valley day one and summit seeker
More details=Later posted

Hey, I’ll see if I can make one.

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@Tobias7454744745 would you prefer a hand drawn thumbnail or a digital thumbnail

Digital please @DJ_FEVER

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Ok I finished it (it fits in the box in gimkit)

Any suggestions?

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I have a suggestion-maybe change the fact that there’s a floating pickaxe.

Ok yeah :sweat_smile:
I just couldn’t think of props to go with the mining theme.