I need a thumbnail for my new difficulty chart map.
Maybe add requirements for thumbnail artists. I mean, Say what you want in the thumbnail pls
i can try it, i needs more details
Its a difficulty chart parkour where you have to get to the top of the summits and it has increasing difficulty. It has 6 difficulties, easy, medium, hard, extreme, godly, and gimpossible.
what gims?
i can try
I’m thinking we can do the dorado and drizzle gims. If I think of a third, I will let you know.
ok i will get it done when ni have time
no one has welcomed a new user in gimkit? I’m the first to welcome you to gimkit form!
a little cringe
Alright, thank you.
Welcome to the Forums @Cyn_the_zombie_drone!
@Monoreuk thanks for reminding us
welcome to forums
I am going to try this thumbnail… I like this idea. also Welcome to the Forums @Cyn_the_zombie_drone !!!
@somodd.exe what’s the name of it?
me help make one tonight
I’m not 100% sure, its down to 2 names, Somodd’s Difficulty chart and Dorado’s Difficulty Chart. Pick your fav and go for it.
I like it, but I want to get some more thumbnails to vote on