Thumbnail request for @Bob_the_blueprint

Hello, my beautiful forumers! So, my friend @Bob_the_blueprint wanted to make a game and he needs a thumbnail, here’s the requirements

  • name of game: flipper
  • description: after a player presses a button, the world flips?! The player must parkour their way back to the button and make things back to normal
  • gims: So, bob made a custom gim called poland, he looks like this: :point_down:
  • actions: poland is falling and the screen is split in half, one side is upside down and the other is normal
  • backround: grassy landscape and some parkour platforms

Thanks for yalls collaboration :blush:


um so like you need to say how you want it

Did you read the post?._.


Wait, why Poland gim? Because when it flips it becomes Indonesia. Is that why?

He did say it, please read carefully.

yes I read it I meant how do you want it formatted

Oh, like hand drawn or digital?
Any type is fine, really doesn’t matter


Usually digital art is cleaner and more used for GKC thumbnails.

Bump! Hows the thumbnail?

Anyone can try please do it

ooh a request from spyde (even though BobTheBlueprint is making it still) ill do it ig
any deadline?

No, not really. But he’s anoying me with this like that one kid in the field trip
“Is it done yet?”


Hello anything happen bump!

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Ill try ok Im doing digital btw

what about duality wouldn’t that make more sense?

Add duality if you want somewhere else but he wants poland to be there (not my orders, his)

here is grapefruits thumbnail:
Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 1.39.12 PM


That’s amazing! I’ma go tell her it’s great!

That is great thank you

ok I will make sure one sec