Thumbnail request for a survival game

(post deleted by author)

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I’m judging thumbnails again

  1. do no get mad at me if what I say offends you(go punch a wall or something if you’re mad)
  2. don’t question how I judge these things I do my own thing

  1. the outline of the gim + moon looks weird I recommend a better background remover instead of just an eraser

  2. the moon feels out of place compared to the original image

  3. the fire is kinda off the wood making it seem weird

  4. it looks like you gave the wood a shadow if you are adding shadows make sure the gim and fire also have shadows

  5. adding some lighting effects for the fire would make it look really nice

  6. the eyebrows go well with the eyes(not common) nice job

  7. sky looks nice maybe add a little variety to the size though

  8. maybe add some bushes or trees? Just something to fill in some more space





  1. do you have a leaf or grass brush? some texture would be nice it looks a but too smooth
  2. also might want to slap a watermark on there
  3. I feel like a pine tree in the right would look good on the top of that little hill (feel free to completely ignore me)
  4. shading is cool maybe shadows?(sorry I have a thing about shading)


  1. your watermark can easily be removed
  2. it looks as if your drawing around parts use layers PLEASE or at least do the full background first
  3. the image is low quality
  4. the lines are scraty
  5. the grey sky looks off from the rest of the picture
  6. again better background remover(fire)
  7. maybe make it more clear that it’s wood?
  8. the angle looks wonky are you trying to make a sitting pose? if so shrink the legs down a little and move them close to the fire as the legs should not be above the horizon

do not ask me to judge you just don’t



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yeah, I got lazy : P

oh yeah 100%

Good idea, I might add that…

OML I completely forgot about shadows. Thanks for catching that.

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idk who’s too choose, I love them

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  • VoidFluffy
  • Sythe
  • Bella
  • Hamz
0 voters

fixed it


voidfluffy’s it is! Sythe yours is also SUPER GOOD! There’s room for improvement, but I love your thumbnail :]

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(love the style too, very epic)

Okay! added the title, do you want ur creds bigger, Fluffy?


Could you put the creds right below “by blackjack”? someone could crop it out if it’s in the corner.


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right away! (I feel your pain. Stolen artwork can hurt sometimes lol)

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there we go!


i’m basking in the glory of voidfluffy’s thumbnail

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whoops, sorry! Didn’t even notice I was going offtopic lol. sorry @Kormorant !

it’s fine just make sure not to do it again


sorry bout that