Thumbnail request for a hard game

ok return to the topic

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It was a little rushed sorry but here:
(Art by me, glitching effects and text are Canva)


no copy me please @Nova

I didn’t copy you
If I did then show me because I just followed the guidelines and I’m not the kind of person to copy other people’s work


Do you mean the red eyes and blue because apologies but I just looked through the thumbnails and their needed to be more contrast (blue) and red eyes just fit in general (I didn’t see your previous posts)


Cool thumbnail I think I’ma make one

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It took me 2 days. Hey, and if we’re going to do the fanmade, what a great change you made.

(sorry I’m confused about what you are saying)

We talked about that here Thumbnail for my game Halloween edition

Here she is I tried my best :>

Btw @unavailible I love yours :>


wow guys you guys made good ones

:astonished: wow

winner is chosen tomorrow

Are you doing a poll?

hmm what is a poll?

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It’s a list of all the thumbnails and people can vote which one they like the most and the one with the most votes is the one you use

(I’m not good at making them so if you need help I’m sure you can ask someone to make it for you)

idk how to make one?

I’m not the best when it comes to making them so maybe ask someone else to make it for you