Thumbnail Request For a game

Can someone make a thumbnail for this map:

1-Keep Up
2–like an anime kinda thing running
3–you run across the screen while the lyrics to Keep Up are popping up on the screen
4-something cool (artists disgression)

Could you specify these things please?

  1. Name of the Game
  2. What gims you want
  3. Short description of the game
  4. Background
  5. Any other details

I know you mentioned some of these but this format will make it clearer.


Is that better?
I fixed it i think

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Is it kinda like the things where a song is playing and then you need to land on certain things? Could you also send a picture of the main part of the map? Don’t put the game c0de remember.


Ok. I could try to make one.

Im putting screen shots rn i have to add things in the background but the mechanics are done.

Its pretty plain rn

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Looks good! Ill use this a little.

Is this gim fine?


Yes that gim is fine


How does this look?
Screenshot 2025-01-08 11.05.51
I drew this on a Chromebook with no mouse btw

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I also have to stop right now. I might finish this tomorrow or late today.

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Alright. I just finished. Let me know how this looks @N_MD.

I didn’t add too much but let me know how this is!


Its wonderfull
I love it
I would use it but its not a jpeg…

Ok. Ill change it @N_MD

I can’t change it but you can look up a file converter. PNG to JPEG

? Last issue I had (With Kleki so maybe that’s the difference) it would only take jpg files, are you sure you need a jpeg?
(I defo did not just convert it rn- )

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