Thumbnail Request for a brand new game!

I need a thumbnail for my new WIP game called Hide & Seek Royale. Any thumbnail would be helpful, I will accept hand drawn and digital thumbnails. Also feel free to leave a watermark to show that you made it

Extra Details; Any gim, more of like a fortnite thumbnail style, and a plain background like a city or Red vs Blue map.

hi GKC fourms, im backkkk!

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Welcome back, could you please give more details (gim skins, placements, background etc)

um. . . I need Specs on what to add into the thumbnail to make one. . .

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welcome back @DDerryberry


I do believe you only bump it after 5 days of inactive? This might be different for art topics though…

I’m not sure, I just came back after leaving the forums in December.

One Thumbnail coming right up!

Making it soon

i gochu i can make tat happen but whens the time limit?


Due by 2 weeks. 2024-09-27T05:00:00Z

@DDerryberry When is the deadline, and do you want a pixel thumbnail or regular?

oh someones already doing it nvm

Due by Sept. 27 and Pixel

Ok Pixel is going to be very hard but i’ll do it!


Sry, I can’t to pixel (until I learn to do pixel)

I wont be able to make a thumbnail for you

wait, by fortnite style, do you my gimnite thumbnail for lilmonkey? i was the original creator of that and I could so something similar if you want


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its fine, it was just his answer, just do your best cause im doing a poll.