I need help for a thumbnail, details- We need a bed on an island floating in the sky, a bed will be to the right, there will be any type of wall stone, dirt, anything for the wall protecting the bed! There will be the water glass gim skin protecting the bed, and another gim secretly about to break the bed with a pickaxe.
for the second gim can we do any gim?
idk why i need put 20 characters
I’ma try I’m not good at it tho
Just try your best, and I’ll make a poll at the very end when everyone is done
thx, do this → < fgytughjvghcftuyghjv > but with no spaces
ok ty!
of course (is it ok if i use the rainbow wave gim?)
yea sure
ok thx
Btw anyone is welcomed to try too!
im getting mine done right now
Can’t wait too see
If anyone else wants to try, you don’t need to say it, instead you can just post your thumbnail whenever your done.
I can try. deadline=? what’s the deadline?
i might do this but i need sleep
welcome back to forums bobithan after 4 months
yea to answer your question no pings (the mods declared it (i think))
Ok thanks. I won’t pin aritsts, i didnt know because i haven’t been in forums for a long time. Mb, there no deadline, its just whenever everyone is done