Thumbnail part 2

ok, take your time with it, good art takes time to make!

ehh, it took me around a day to work on my thumbnail, I’m a fast worker @Coffee

should I use the cursed gims?

whats the thing on the top left, @Coffee?

A ladder, and yes you can use the cursed gims

kk, anything else I need to know? @Coffee

nope, I wish you luck on it!

BTW, I Dont think I can make the gim that’s climbing on the ladder, because gims don’t have hands, It would be better to add a stairway

people have added hands to gims in thumbnails, just give them little black nubs for hands

Let’s also take this to a new topic, and OK, I will try

I’m now closing this topic

Make sure to notify me when you post your topic @Coffe Just notify me

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