Thumbnail Needed! [(Poll: 8.20.24) Deadline: 8.19.24]

Hello friends! You probably know that I’m not that good at art… or you might not know… and I need help for a new thumbnail. The game is called “Fate” The game is a series of questions that lead to a more and more mysterious ending. What I am requesting is a gim (preferably duality) has a popup in front of him and (you see the back of duality by the way) the popup title is “You walk into a room filled with gold, what do you do?” with the Call To Action Label saying “Take all the gold!” and the Secondary Call To Action Label being “Leave… this place is mysterious…” The last thing is that there needs to be a spotlight above the gim, and the rest is pure darkness. I feel this is pretty self explanatory, but if you need any photos, I will be able to supply you with some. The official poll will start 8.20.24, and end 8.25.24, but we will have a poll for every time a submission is entered. Thanks to everybody who enters the poll! Good luck, and happy drawing.


Current poll:

Who will win?
0 voters

Please move this to art!
I might make one, we’ll see.


sure I will get on it


Alright, sorry.

i’ll make a thumbnail @surprised.Patrick
second one.)

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it actually seems like a cool thumbnail
to make that is.

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could I try one?


I might be able to make one later today

alright sorry i was sleeping

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Maybe at 5:00 I’ll make one but I’m not sure yet

i have football practice at 5 so i wont be able to see until like 7:00 EST (-1)

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Here is @kormonts thumb nail


tell him thats insane

It is Kormorant
Wait what they got banned?
very unfortunate

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Wow, nice thumbnail! And yeah, he got suspended.

I am almost done @surprised.Patrick


I’ve Finished

I hope you like it! (If you use it put my name in the bio)