Thumbnail chosen- resolved request

Hereā€™s mine!
Itā€™s my first time making a hand drawn thumbnail


Literally me: :exploding_head:
wow that is AMAZING

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Girl i did not know you can draw :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:


Mine will be done tomorrow


:zzz: = :point_up:

imagine sleeping :skull:
being asleep is crazy ngl

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Reminds me of one time when I was on the forums at like 2 AM.
Anyway, Onward to the horrizions of fate which was decided by lord Tobias! (AKA letā€™s get back on topic.)

lol, anyways I think I sit out on this one. I donā€™t feel this one, yk?

me and some other dude were the last 2 people online one time lol, we checked almost every topic we could, no one was there. It was so fun lol

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@THEHACKER120 do you mean more like this?

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I know its not my place to say, but the water doesnā€™t look right with the distanceā€¦

It was kinda hard to fit everything inā€¦ (The island and castle were supposed to be further away but it didnā€™t fitā€¦) but I can give it a 3rd try!

Also, the castle looks like it has a creepy smileā€¦


Haha! I didnā€™t notice that before! :laughing:

I have this occuring problem with digital thumbnails. Sometimes, realistic photos with cartoon gims is really uncanny. Thatā€™s just my personal preference. It doesnā€™t mean you have to change it, not my game, or thumbnail lol

@DJ_FEVER only although I know ur gonna look anyway

Canā€™t here, but I can give you tips on how to make more professional (as you could sayā€¦) looking thumbnails :D


Also, a few tips:

  • Make the shading neater
  • Shadows should extend from Gimsā€™ feet or else itā€™ll look like theyā€™re all lying down
  • Neater fire
  • Yellow Gimā€™s shadow should only be on the bus, not the water :skull::skull::skull:

Itā€™s pretty good overall though : )


Help what is this T-T


Yeah, sorry for the late reply, but a bit like that

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Sure I can make one on Tuesday

Great! Just I donā€™t know how they all fit in that bus lol


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