Thumbnail needed for battle royale game

I need a thumbnail for my game(which the poi’s are based on fishtopia location). Needed: At least 1 fishtopia location, dockhouse and vortex/echo agents

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whats the game called (welcome back)

Pear’s GimRoyale(thx back after summer break)

ok can i draw it digital?

doesn’t matter, but prefer digital ig

ok i will try to do it, may take me a while

its ok no due date really

casually enters

I smell a thumbnail I could make and since there’s no deadline, I could make the base (hand draw on paper) then transfer it onto digital :smile:

Consider it done my friend!!!
Screenshot 2024-09-09 15.26.41


sounds good to me, thx!


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Thanks! I’ll wait until the other people finish them if i decide to use it or not, :slight_smile:

Do you think you could give me a progress status?

Let me try to make one!

I have been waiting for someone to use this!

Nice! Do you think you could add the game name and credits?

Ok, gimme 5 minutes.

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Sorry, could you also add a dock house and a lake?

Is it already decided or can I make one, @PearGamez???

You can too!

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I will have it done by:
(The first is my start time, the second is my due time)