Thumbnail four me map

Hello I was wondering if anybody could make me a thumbnail with the king on a throne in the middle it’s for a medieval-themed map called The King’s Castle basically the objective of the game is for the rebels to knock out the knig or the guards to knock out the entire team two. I want this to be amazing I really just want to see what the limits to you guys are. I don’t think you’ll be able to be my thumbnails.

I just started making thumbnails and thay suck :grin:

First one:


You should wait till tomorrow

ok will do. its already 12:14. plus working on a thumbnail for sombody eals right now. thats why i cant do mine

12:14! for me its 9:17 pm

its 1:18 here for me.

We’re getting off topic now

yeah sry

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Here is one that took me forever to make:

Hope it looks good.
( It’s my first time soo… it’s not the best )

nice… You should try to make a costume throne for the king

i am just starting to.

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wana see mine, bet none yall cud beat it!



@leo_flowers you there?

@everybody, what shooter should I use for team 1.(guards)