Thumbnail for upcoming remaster of an old game

Today I was deleting some old games to save some space for new things. Then I found my old game raiders. I checked it out and I realized that it was SUPER buggy. So I’m deciding to remake/rerelease it better than ever. New gadgets new upgrades and of course new thumbnail. For the old one I had this scuffed image made in Canva of two Captain bucks about to raid each others ship with them on their respective bows. So I’m hoping for someone to make that but even better. :slight_smile:


Well maybe tomorrow i’ll try.

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No one else wants to make one?

I guess. well it’s fine

I will make to but tomorrow because I am not in the US and in a different time zone, sorry!

welcome to da forums @Vexobot

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Thanks! I really needed that! @G-Code549

well i’m in da us

Welcome to the forums have a look around (iykyk)

Ok, well I think we might be getting a little of topic!

Welcome to the forums! You seem to have got the hang of our rule “don’t be off-topic”, but still read the FAQ and, as always, have fun!!

K what’s the deadline

There really isn’t a deadline it’s mostly working at your own pace

@Ar3s3nal I’ll make one but if you take care of reviving my topic from time to time

Of course I will

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So uhh has ANYONE made a thumbnail for it yet!?

Wait YOUR topic!? Oh I read that as MY TOPIC. Sorry man but thats your dilemma.