Thumbnail for tag domination Halloween edition

were can i get me a ticket to gravity falls? i want to see bill

i want to make a deal with bill cipher

I dunno I think he said he wasā€¦uhhhh somewhere at the west of USAā€¦

I canā€™t rememberā€¦ yawn night night!

(Working on the sketch for the thumbnail)

oh ok i will find him (night night)

Hereā€™s my sketch! If youā€™re happy, Iā€™ll continue for the price of your soul /j

@here sorry to ping you all but hereā€™s my thumbnail!

looks like you have to give me your soul to see it

(Iā€™m doing this because this post is locked.)

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that is so cool (oki)

yes it looks cool idk about the last part but ok


yes idk about that either lol

good for you :smiley: hope your happier now :slight_smile:

The drama has been removed. Please donā€™t respond so aggressively to it, just ignore it and flag it. Even if you think itā€™s stupid, responding with aggression can just make things worse. On another note, @GrimReaper7, you arenā€™t a horrible person and removing those art showcases was already on my todo list. You havenā€™t ruined anything for anyone, most those posts were dead anyways.


ok thanks for thumbnail @Fruity-Gim, also do you think you can make it in a graveyard or forest

lore :sob:

anyways @GimNo0b itā€™ll still take me a bit on the thumbnail, though here is an update

that looks great it just needs some more gims and it will look great



thats really good but its a lot of purple

any changes that you want?