Thumbnail for space game

Ok ok, my art was a troll.
There was little specification.
Edit: Title of the Game?

okay it is called mysteries of the ancients unless someone could help come up with a better one and that is optional

I can make one
you can insert the title yourself

okay thank you I am not trying to be rude but if you can make the thumbnail I will make a suitable title and will give you credit

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Hey, @caternaught, you got unsilenced! Nice!

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finished! Hope ya like it



It looks really good!

(Also why does everyone do that thing with the white thing near the eyes now, like everyone does ever since Nixximon did it lol)

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When did Nixximon do it?

lol I just did it cause it looked creepy as something without it


I think when he made his super popular guide on thumbnails

Oh yeah… now I’m imagining it and it looks scary looking lol

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lol- that happens a lot


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love it thanks so much

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is it too late to make one?


don’t you dare r/woosh me
trolls aren’t allowed in the forums because it wastes people’s time


Also, hi Fersion. Haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?

Maybe, I’m not sure. Ping Lvnl though and see if you can still make one.


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@Lvnl can I still make one?

sure I also need help with a name because the one’s I make are not unique enough you cannot find it the better thumbnail shall be the one I choose

  • Johansgim
  • voidfluffy
  • awesomegimaker
  • andreif6
0 voters

nvm I don’t have time to anymore

everybody knows that bro.