Thumbnail for obby called “High hopes”

Hi! As I am asking in the desc; I would like to ask for a thumbnail for an obby. Here are some specs about how I would like it done!

Gims: Glass half full, kynami, Stache santa.

What the gims are doing: Glass half full is jumping to a cat walk platform in front of kynami, who is struggling to get up the platform Glass half full is on. Stache santa is struggling for breath in last place.

Names: You can have your name + my name.

You already have seen the name of the obby in my desc and my title.

Supported applications to use: Kleki, Canva, Procreate.

I do not really care about the way you do it, (not in a bad way) i just want a thumbnail.

If you can make one, thanks a lot!

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Welcome to the forms @WompToTheWomp_32

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Uhm, achtualy, Its spelled as “Okie” Not, "oki’ The spelling and grammar is unacceptable. And it drive me crazy.:nerd:
(anyways, I might make a thumbnail for this one!)

a- I’m speechless… LOL
lets get b.o.t now tho.




Anyone know what this means?

Back on topic

ik it looks like it came straight from a horror movie.

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read my bio and you’ll find out.
or if your too lazy(I get it) then it means Back. On. Topic.
how many people read my bio btw?
yay you earned the honorary badge :3


Thanks! (I read your bio!)


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Sorry i got back so late, but the deadline is September 30, 2024