Thumbnail For A Red V Blue Obstacle Course

ooh, I also do digital kind art.

Donā€™t you do photoshop?

well, I do both.

lets not talk about that I thought they were the same thing lol

Because digital art is drawing on a digital surface, and Photoshop is manipulating already-created images to make one image.

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blackjack, do you want me to do photoshop, or digital?

i donā€™t mind either. Do whichever you want :]

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@Blackjack Sometimes I just use my tablet (apple) and screenshot my home page and just draw with my finger. I donā€™t really use a program :skull:
It works out pretty well.
Is there a certain website/program that you use a lot?

uhm, mineā€™s kinda silly

why my thumbnails look goofy

I use an animation software and instead of yā€™know, actually animating I draw thumbnails on frames and screenshot them because Iā€™m broke and no afford good software :')

Iā€™m in the works of trying to find a better way though


neither can I. thatā€™s why I just use CapCut.

I use kleki and canva.
Moving towards kleki now because I donā€™t want to base my thumbnails on canva.

But letā€™s not get off-topic. Back on topic, everyone!


Oh, so software like Adobe After Effects, but free. Cool

Ok ://

Anyways, Iā€™m shure VoidFluffy will pull through for you Blackjack.

getting on topicā€¦

does kleki cost dollars :\

finished loading!

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Itā€™s free. So is canva I think.

I might make a thumbnail. It could take some timeā€¦
@blackjack is there a due date?


it doesnā€™t, but nowā€¦

not yet. maybe until July 1st, art takes time.


ok! getting to workā€¦ although I do have strong competitionā€¦

blackjack vvv

Blackjack ONLY


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Not one of my bestā€¦ tbh I was kinda slacking on this one


is alright! I love the little red guy that messed up on the jump (spikes) lol

I like it :]