Thumbnail for a prequel in space

:skull: :skull: :skull: oh naw brother

does anyone else know how to make stuff is there anyone you could invite

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@Kormorant could you try to make thumbnail

I’m not very good and I think the only person who is/was working on one is Blackjack

@Blackjack could you add made by Lvnl

I guess so…

add made by Lvnl art by ( your name)

Shouldn’t it be made by Nightwolf?

its for Lvnl I thought I told well it is for Lvnl

I’ll make it, but since I have a few things I’m working on, I may not get it done until tommorrow.

that is fine take all the time you need

it’s for yourself?
but also i’ll try making one, can you elaborate?

it takes place right after one way out they are in the shuttle plants appear

I was summoned in here by the almight ‘@’. What is your request.

what do you mean? what

someone typed @blackjack and it notified me.

I do not know whom that was


I wonder who it might be?