Thumbnail for a prequel in space

I wonder if ppl are still online

imma check

back to work AGAIN

could I try making one?

What is the game called?

Finished product:

(DJ_FEVER I donā€™t think theyā€™re online)


Giving us good thumbnails at 6 (Edit: Finished at 1) in the morning. Sigh but Iā€™m still on the forum while I should be doing Duolingo.


yes and it is a space prequel that takes pace directly after one way out also he woud like it to say art by blackjack made by Lvnl or whoever did the art

no, Blackjack made that last night. They made smth for me becuz they finished the thumbnail

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could you tell @Blackjack to add made by Lvnl


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are you on the wix? also how do I mark a solution nothing is appearing

press the checkmark box (and yes, i am)

also the discord, the nolt, etc.

You canā€™t mark a solution in art or community made guides.

If you want to mark a solution, then move this topic to devices, bugs, or help, mark a solution, and then move it back to art.

May I attempt a thumbnail as well?
My old work is in here:

sure anyone is free to try nothing is set in stone yet

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of course Lvnl said your thumbnail was wonderful for alien erased escape

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Ah, that old thumbnail.
: )
I wonder why they got bannedā€¦

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