Thumbnail for a pokemon game

Would anyone be able to make a thumbnail for my pokemon game? We will be doing a vote too.

try searching by tag pokemon

MAYBE there will be free Trumbnails there

There are never free thumbnails in that tag. The only place allowed to post thumbnails are on thumbnail requests.

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I could make a thumbnail but I need more details and specs

Ok. it gonna be called GimMon and you need to catch gims to fight with you

I mean things like:
~what is in the thumbnail
~what is happening
~what Gims are there
~what is the setting

I don’t care. Maybe a grassy filed background with two players fighting with pokeballs in hand and smaller gims on the ground using “superpowers” to fight.

Oooh I can make one I love making thumbnails

Alrighty then, since this is based off Pokemon, I might just make it based off the battle scene in older Pokemon games

Ok that should be good. Thanks!

I’m done with the thumbnail!

Wait am I allowed send it?

Yes. You should be allowed to

I meant like, in your rules. Okay, here it is!

Yes, they all have mouths…
Anyways, I basically did every Pokémon type that I could fit in there, Ice, _____, Grass, Normal, Electric, Fire, and Water. Wait why am I not allowed to post that word?

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I don’t know but thanks so much!

You’re very welcome :smiley: