Thumbnail for a bank heist map

TMI bro!!!


I wish you good luck


Tell @Rundw02 this please: I can’t actually do It, There are no transparent gims online for me to refrence! I’m sorry, I’m tired and I’m at school… so just let him know I’m sorry and that I would be more than happy to help with any other thumbnails! Here is one of my art works just to show him.

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I can make you a transparent gim… you just also can use this site.
it always helps.


Thanks so much! I’ll do my best with my time.


or… right click a gim here

and do copy image then do Ctrl C+v then yeah, easy copy. Saves me lots of time!

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Wow I have never tried to do that… Sorry for the slow typing…


Yeah, I was so annoyed having to import and export files then realized, “Hey, can’t I just do copy image…?”

and now I can more efficiently do thumbnails!

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:skull: now all I do is attempt to draw them. I can start doing that now!


Hi I’m back! I’ve also got to work on my thumbnail, but good luck to all of you!

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I will have this done by tonight btw. :skull: I have to get off, and may just give it tonight.

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@Rundw02 finished!

that took a few hours including my break

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Not bad @gim_guy and for all those who want to try the thumbnail @Txme_Lxss @leo_flowers go ahead (sorry for replying so late)


@Rundw02 aka bestie like my thumbnail?

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I can make another for you too

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Yes I do @FlyinKid and uh ones good enough

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Oh ok. Almost thought you weren’t online. :face_in_clouds:

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I am and also why are you up at ten?

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See you tomorrow buddy!

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I just am but I’m gonna sleep now goodnight!

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