Thumbnail chosen, OP mark solution please!

haha yeah I’m not the one :pp so I was a bit confused there

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ALOT of things. 1st of all, no credits. 2nd of all, “Catch the most water”? This thumbnail needs work

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Yeah, I really thought it was you, but the color you chose I will absolutely use for the thumbnail
When the deadline guys

I agree @gimkitnoobie

hmmm I don’t know @Loperander0 i could go to the top of the post, maybe it says it there…? Oh and thank you

okay found it, they said they’re was no due date.

I am making one right now

that’s a work in progress…

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ooh welcome in @RubixCube !

Welcome To the forms @RubixCube !

Thanks, thats perfect since I do paper thumbnails

no problem and that’s cool, I do digital! But sometimes paper art

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@The_block_of_doom I’m Done!


I know i said i wouldnt make one buttttttttttttt


oooh cute! make sure to credit yourself in the thumbnail lol


Thanks but if he uses it he can put my name in the bio

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Okay, soo I’m am gonna need a couple of days and I should be done with the thumbnail

No offence to any other artists but I like @SnoopyOTG thumbnail the most so far



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Really? Thanks man :> are you making one? (Unless you already did idk)

@SnoopyOTG your’s are amazing


All of them

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