Thumbnail chosen, OP mark solution please!

That unfortunate I feel bad
Edit: Sorry @Loperander0

me neither. not gonna pay money lol
but yes back on topic!

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How are your guys thumbnails going

mines going okayā€¦sobs

I think its gonna be great

This topic is about a thumbnail so how am I being off topic right now

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Itā€™s fine, I just donā€™t want to have this topic be closed, I already had to ping blackhole for one being off topic too much

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thx, hopefully it will. i donā€™t draw gims much honestly-

beep beep boop boop
here you go!


Wow that looks amazing, I love it

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wow you did an awesome job!

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Alright soā€¦ constructive criticism time

-Your lines are rather messy, try making them neater
-Use shading
-Proportions are way off, try studying actual Gimkit Gims to get a better understanding of them
-Coloring is messy
-Everything looks weirdly under colored, like thereā€™s no color variation whatsoever within each colored section
-Line thickness shouldnā€™t vary for clouds and Gims
-Needs more rendering to make it less basic
-Overall messy
-Because of these caveats, I would not call you an advanced thumbnailist. I would say you are around a beginner, maybe slightly more.

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yoo can you make me a thumbnail or i can invite you on canva.

Iā€™d like to stay off of the thumbnail requests for now outside the Forums.

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ok its fine you do not need to.

er @VoidFluffy if itā€™s okay with you, could you give me some constructive criticism as well once i finish and post the thumbnail? i want to improve in my art, so iā€™d really appreciate it.

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want to help on my thumbnail?? click the link if you want to

Dude, @VoidFluffy is on a roll
Back on topic now

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I donā€™t really think thatā€™s allowed (correct me if iā€™m wrong) but wouldnā€™t that be considered sharing a code or something like that?

iā€™m pretty sure it only applys to game codes @Loperander0