Thumbnail chosen, OP mark solution please!

…that’s not what an oppcon is lol

Voidy won! GGS and Happy Gimkitting!

The polls over? Good job then Fluffy (I hope you’re cool with me calling you that). Also, “Voidy”? An interesting nickname choice…

idk i just thought on voidy and I’ve been trying to aVOID using VOIDy since it sounds like the name of a symbOID

When does the poll ends again?

It ended today Loperander!

Already? then shouldn’t this topic be closed

@The_block_of_doom didn’t close the post tho he’s not active

You can have the mods close it

Voidy is regular, ping her to close it ig

Hey, @VoidFluffy can you close this topic since the winner has been found please
And Congrats on winning (VoidFluffy)

I can’t close it but I can move it to Devices and the original poster can mark a solution.

devices is no longer a trash bin
just ping @Blackhole927

Look here, Black Hole said it himself

who told you that :skull:
it’s still a place to put stuff when it shouldn’t be in other categories.
you should not rely on bh to handle every single post, he’s not eternally active, and he has a life.

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I can do one for you!
I use adobe express.
Anything you extra you want me to add in?

Work I've done


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My thumbnail was already chosen, sorry!

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Oh okay thanks for telling me


Guys, since the winner has been chosen and BlackHole is inactive at this moment can we please stop replying?

please stop putting off topic posts in devices