Thumbnail chosen, OP mark solution please!

It’s not my best, as my best was on @surprised.Patrick’s thumbnail topic.


ill go look at that rn

sadly I cant find it but I bet its fire :fire:

Hopefully you can see this:



yeah that thumbnal is fo sho :fire:

I still rlly like the one you made tho

Got bored so I drew one!

had to hand draw on my Chromebook cause school blocks everything


Nice first thumbnail @Gimaginor!
Remember to shade!

hand drawing with a mouse is really hard lol

thank you though

i did not want you to rate.
angy face

No, I used to be on another forum for a game but I left temporarily!

uh ok
that sort of makes sense
i think

if i can do it, you can do it!

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I’m sorry, I should’ve changed it to a ten out of ten even though there are many people (such as void fluffy) who worked harder than this, but I should’ve had favoritism and said ten out of ten

i guess noone remembers when they banned thumbnail requests:/ I thought they were still banned

They aren’t anymore @lando_1

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actually @lando_1

I could go back in time and tell you all about it

but I keeping it short to not get off topic.

unspoiler IF you not gonna add more to this and not gonna respond to this after reading.

thumbnail request wasn’t actually ban even josh or was it jeffo confirmed it and proof was sent by wolftechnology

not pinging him because I don’t want him to come in and add more then what is needed sorry

people was flagging it because they thought it wasn’t allowed and didn’t want it to even tho it was allowed we all got into a big arguement until I had an idea someone had it before me but they never got responded so I won’t include him cuz I forgot his name too sorry we asked the mods to make an art topic and they did and that how it was resolved.

I made too much I blurring it

Hey @The_block_of_doom, when is the poll going to start? I’m not sure how many thumbnails you have, but I feel like you have a lot. Might want to make a poll soon before you have like 30 submissions and this post becomes too long (just a suggestion).

Yeah, everyone finished all of their thumbnails, so @The_block_of_doom you should make a poll before this post falls off.


I’m still making one but y’all can make the poll so I won’t hold y’all up

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It’s ok, you can finish char