Three simple questions that need answering

I am currently make a bedwars/ capture the flag platformer game where the player needs to grab the flag from the other team (bassicaly gimkit’s capture the flag). and a bit of bedwars were each team will have a destroyable bed/spawn and once destroyed, the team can no-longer respawn. BUT, I have 3 probloms that require solving. π”½π•€β„π•Šπ•‹: as I was testing, ONE player thought he was SOOOOO funny that he DESTROYED their teams spawn. I mean look at him!

How can I make only the opposing team can destroy it?
π•€π•–π•”π• π•Ÿπ••: Is is possible to make a block generator? Im talking about when a block is mined, It reappers.

π•ƒπ”Έπ•Šπ•‹π•ƒπ•: How do make a system that eliminats the player AFTER the spawn is destroyed?


hmm, i think i can help

3 when Prop destroyed send channel 2 damager damage when receiving on 8 damage delt 10,000

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solved number 3

or a respawner

true but Prop still needed

After the bed is destroyed activate a life cycle that says when player knocked out then get a team switcher and switch them to spectator mode


Thank you guys! now I need help with the other 2…

k, let me hop on gimkit

for a block generator you could use an item spawner

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number 2 idk if that possible

and set it to any material you want it to be

Like dynamic dirt?

oh, I thought you meant the iron dropper thing :skull:


what do you want to respawn?

A block genrator like when you mine a block dirt, it regenrates. allowing you to mine it again so you can build a bride to the other teams base.

srry, I don’t think you can do that (you can probably make a shop to do like 8 fish for 4 blocks tho)


is that fine?

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Wait, @Lucky_0p, are there two teams or more?

Two? I think