This may be a little off topic

You know how people get replies welcoming them to the committee?
Is it just some people who get skipped or was it just me?

I got ignored too

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Sometimes they just don’t notice. That’s how it goes.

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Nice to know foxy and T_Sonic54!:+1:

Why did you put this in devices?

@FusionLord Devices is a wasteland of topic material and sometimes guides on devices. Also, it may be a little late, but welcome to the community.

Okay, thank you Captain-Gim!

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Since you’re new I’ve got a tip as well. Tag people like this whenever you’re repling to them @FusionLord. I’m glad to see someone active and new though. Be careful with how you reply and stuff. I’m sure you’ve been told this already, but search before you post. Read new-user-must-read and forum-tips as well.

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