This is for a thumbnail

the person that is making my thumbnail may reply p.s will delete this when I get my thumbnail

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Umm…what are u asking for?

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Someone is making my thumbnail and the topic that I asked them to make it on closed so I made this for them

Ohh ok.

Whoa, I haven’t seen this much off-topic posts watch out the could flags attack hopefully you get you’re thumbnail .

@Morepeko8 you can post my thumbnail here

We should stop making Thumbnail posts, and encourage creativit. It doesn’t need to be prefect, it clutters the forum like crazy and honestly is half the posts these days. And in my opinion it is really on the verge of off-topic.

  • I agree… Let’s stop with the thumbnails
  • I don’t agree (who cares about originality, creativity and order?)
0 voters

What if someone made a thumbnail request post/guide that is mainly for asking for thumbnails (or just ask in the discord)

I mean, it still pops up every ten seconds in the forums… and then it is hard to find your own replys and stuff

hmm, and not everyone has discord, maybe make a PSA on not making thumbnail request posts because it clutters the forums?

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@capybara22 Im done! Rate my work from1-10!!!


Definitely a 10!!!


Ty! U gonna use it? An when is ur game going to be published? I wanna play it!


Hey can you make me a thumbnail? @Morepeko8 I ran out of replies, the gims are up to you, the background is also up to you, and the name of the game is “tag runner”

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@Morepeko8 Yup fine with me!


I think my game will be published in a week or so and I will use the thumbnail you made!


@Morepeko8 Could you pleasssssse make me a medevil thumbnail called The King’s Castle. There are two teams and 1 is Guards 2 is Rebles the host(King) is on team 1, i really want your art. it is amazing! if you can email it to me @ And I will make a new post so you can give it to me. Pleassssse!


@Caternaught Of fear of getting banned this is the finished result


thank you! i love it! :slight_smile:

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Yup! Just need the gims, the background, and the name of the game might take 3-5 days tho

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