[ 📜 ] The Ultimate Guide to Props/Terrains and their Categories

another reusable bump

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Wowowowow I’m going to go crazy about 100+ props

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Should I add the new medieval props in a category, or is someone else going to do it?

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Thanks for this, I center a lot of small games around Echo Vs. Vortex theme so this helped a lot!

ARGHHHH I CANT SEE IN THIS ARMOR (bumps into the wall)

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Has a bump on their head after falling.

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Wait, why did you guys choose farmchain, capture-the-flag and fishtopia

Because it contains props from from farmchain, fishtopia, and capture-the-flag
And adding all the tags like snowy-survival and more would look messy

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You also can only have 5 tags.


bump (no reusable bump :expressionless: )

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Little did @mysz know, not 5 or 6, not 7 or 8, but 70 tugs would be made.


Wow that’s crazy, mysz… really started a whole trend!!

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dude i started the tug trend
@cr1sis i started that

mysz made his first tug (the second tug ever, after mine) in september 2023.
i made my first tug (the first tug ever) in june 2023.


On the first of August…

What I was implying was that @mysz thought there would only be like 4 or 5 tugs and he could label them all.


Awesome guide!!!

Info for users making a horror game: keep it OWO-themed. Don’t just take it too far.


I love more props and is very fun to use them