The Ultimate Guide To Medallions!

Hello! I made a guide a while ago about making a medallion for your BR games. (if you don’t know what a medallion is, it basically is an item that you get when you beat a boss, which gives you a good effect. It also lets other players see where you are on the map.) Today, I will be showing how to make MANY kinds of medallions (trust me, I know a lot!)

Basic Medallion

How to make a medallion (super easy!) [ 🟩 ]
Use this post to create a basic medallion!

Damage Boost Medallion

Use the “Basic Medallion” guide to start, but don’t do Step 3.
Then grab a damage boost device and set it to what you want the damage boost to be. Set it to start on the channel you used in the blocks of the item inventory manager. That’s it! A simple damage boost medallion!

Speed Boost Medallion

Grab a Speed boost device and set it to whatever speed you want. Set it to activate when receiving the channel you used in the blocks of the item inventory manager. That’s it for the Speed Boost medallion!

healing when launching gadget medallion

This medallion gives the player health whenever they launch a gadget. Use a lifecycle that has the" player fires gadget" setting and set that to a checker that checks if the player has the medallion item. If the check passes, give the player health (I recommend no more than 5 health)

Everyone Weak Medallion

This medallion makes it so that when you get it, it makes everyone else do less damage. Use a trigger (all other players), and a damage boost device that is set below 1!

Everyone Slow Medallion

Basically the same thing as the Everyone Weak Medallion, but uses a speed boost device and set the speed to below 1.

Money Medallion

Use the same things as the basic medallion, but instead of it granting health, use an item granter to grant them money every number of seconds (I recommend about 5 seconds).

Siphon Medallion

Similar to the Healing when launching a gadget medallion, use a KO manager to notice when a player knocks out a player or sentry. Then wire it to a health granter. (you can also use an item granter to grant you money).

No Fighting Medallion

This medallion makes it so that when other players knock out a sentry, they get damaged. Use a knockout manager that is for sentries, a checker that checks for the medallion, and a damager if the check fails. Don’t make the damage too high or it won’t be fun.

Those all al the ones I can think of right now. If you have any other ideas tell me! Also, you can use a gadget as a medallion too!

Another thing...

If you want to make it so that when the player drops the medallion, the tracking stops, you can edit the blocks so that I the amount of item = 0, you send another channel that stops the devices.

Thanks for Reading!!!

Which one is the best?
  • Basic Medallion
  • Damage Boost Medallion
  • Speed Boost Medallion
  • healing when gadget launched medallion
  • Everyone weak medallion
  • Everyone Slow Medallion
  • Money Medallion
  • Siphon Medallion
  • No Fighting Medallion
0 voters

cool guide (i might use this in my new game :D)

I hope many people use this for their games. (there are a lot of help posts asking how to make medallions)

1 Like

Any ideas for other medallions to add?

Wow! this is really cool. I might consider using.
Screenshot 2025-01-16 4.25.32 PM


Top Player Medallion?

you should make cursed medallion where it damages you when you walk >:)

1 Like

what’s a medallion…?

:smiley: can’t say exactly but
Screenshot 2025-01-16 4.25.32 PM
but thats not revavent to this topic so imma shh…:smile:


From Fortnite

Still confused, don’t play Fortnite…


(Post Deleted By Author)

A medallion in battle royale terms (specifically fortnite) is an item that drops when you defeat a boss, which usually gives positive effects in exchange for letting other players know where you are on the map.
@qmark not everything is, but this is.



(from Google)
This is what he means by medallions.

oooh, thank you!