[đź“ś] The Ultimate Guide To Gimkit Racing (Difficulty: ? PLEASE VOTE!)

Hello everyone, this is my first tug guide or ultimate guide and I hope you all enjoy it. This is for foot racing, not cars or vehicles for anyone who thought that. Let’s get started!

Countdown/Start Timer

Step 1: Place down a lifecycle and make the event on game start

Step 2: Place down a repeater with the interval of 1.00 and run time of 30

Step 3: Place down a counter with a starting value of 30 and target value of 0

Step 4: Place down 4 barriers around your spwan or where the race will start like this:

Step 5: Now wire all your things together starting from the lifecycle to repeater Event Occurs >>> Start Repeater
Step 6: Wire the repeater to the counter, Repeater Runs Task >>> Decrement Counter
Step 7: Wire the counter to the 4 barriers with each wire like this, Target Value Reached >>> Deactivate Barrier
That’s all for the timer! You can test it out in your game if you want. Here is the finished product:

Laps and Winning

Step 1: Place down a zone in between the 4 barriers and make it active on game start

Step 2: Place down another zone right under the first one but make it smaller

Step 3: Place down four flags starting with a green one and only make the green one available on game start

Step 4: Place down 3 counters and make 1 of them have a target value of 1, the other with 2, and the final one with 3 and make only the final one visible in game, also make all of their scopes player

Step 5: Place down a notification with player scope and end game device

Step 6: Make the notification say “Last Lap!”
Step 7: Now connect the active zone to the non active one with wires that say Player Leaves Zone >>> Activate Zone
Step 8: Place down an item granter and make the item a banana (We will use this as the score)

Step 9: Wire the non-active barrier to the item granter, Player Enters Zone >>> Grant Item
Step 10: Now remember the flags and counters? We will wire them now
Step 11: Wire the counter with a target value of one to your active green flag and non-active second flag, (1st Counter) Target value Reached >>> Hide Prop (Green Flag) x2, (1st Counter) Target Value Reached >>> Show Prop (Second Flag) x2
Step 11: Now wire the 2nd counter to the second flag and third flag with (2nd Counter) Target Value Reached >>> Hide Prop (Second Flag x2, (2nd Counter) Target Value Reached >>> Show Prop (Third Flag) x2
Step 12: Wire the 2nd counter to the notification saying Target Value Reached >>> Send Notification
Step 13: Wire the 3rd Counter, or the visible one to the final checkered flag and hide the second flag, (3rd Counter) Target Value Reached >>> Hide Prop (Third Flag) x2, (3rd Counter) Target Value Reached >>> Show Prop (Checkered Flag) x2
Step 14: Now wire the non-active barrier to all three counters with Player Enters Zone >>> Increment Counter
Step 15: Connect the 3rd counter to an end game device, Target Value Reached >>> End Game
That’s all for laps and winning. If you’ve done it correctly, it should look like this:

How to Make Outs

Step 1: Place down a trigger and make it not visible in game

Step 2: Copy and paste the trigger to the other side

Step 3: Place down a teleporter in between the two triggers

Step 4: Now wire both of the triggers to the teleporter, Triggered >>> Teleport Player Here

Now just copy and paste this everywhere on your track and when you’re done it should look like this:

How to Make The Score

Step 1: Open the map options menu and change the score type to tracked item
Step 2: Make the tracked item a banana
Step 3: Make the score name “Laps”
Now you’re done and it should look like this:

Sprinting and Energy

Step 1: Place down an overlay, a questioner, and an item granter with energy far away

Step 2: Make the overlay a button and make it say “Answer Questions” (Place it on the bottom right)

Step 3: Now make the item granter grant Energy ≤ 500

Step 4: Make the correct message for the questioner +500 Energy or however much energy you’re granting

Step 5: Now wire all of them together from Overlay > Questioner > Item Granter
Step 6: Set the overlay scope to player
Step 7: Place down another overlay, but make it a text that tracks energy and put it in the top right

Step 8: Place down 2 overlays, 2 wire repeaters, 2 speed modifiers, a checker, and an item granter

Step 9: Edit one of the overlays to a button on the bottom left and make it say “Sprint (3 secs)” or something similar

Step 10: For the next overlay, make it a text on the bottom left and make it say “10s Cooldown”(Make this one not active on game start)

Step 11: Set the scope for both all of your overlays to player
Step 12: Make the check for energy and make it greater than 299

Step 13: Now make it so that if the check passes transmit on channel -Energy

Step 14: Make the item granter grant -300 Energy when receiving on -Energy

Step 15: Set one of the speed mods to 2.50

Step 16: Set the other’s to 1.00

Step 17: Edit one of the wire repeater’s delays to 3

Step 18: Set the other one to 10

Step 19: for the first wire, wire the Sprint button to the checker with Button Pressed >>> Run Check
Step 20: Wire the check to the button, Check Passes >>> Hide Overlay
Step 21: Wire the check to the other overlay, Check Passes >>> Show Overlay
Step 22: Wire the check to the wire repeater with a delay of 3 seconds, Check Passes >>> Relay Pulse
Step 23: Wire the check to the speed mod with a speed of 2.50, Check Passes >>> Set Player To Configured Speed
Step 24: Wire the wire repeater with a delay of 3 to the speed mod with a speed of 1, Pulse Received >>> Set Player To Configured Speed
Step 25: Wire the wire repeater with a delay of 3 to the wire repeater with a delay of 10: Pulse Received >>> Relay Pulse
Step 26: Now wire the wire repeater with a delay of 10 to the original sprint button: Pulse Received >>> Show Overlay
If you’ve followed all these steps correctly, your setup should look somewhat similar to this

If you’ve done everything correctly, your track should look something like this:

Thanks for following the guide, hope you have a good day!

How Easy Is This Guide?

  • 1-2 :green_square:
  • 2-4 :yellow_square:
  • 5-6 :orange_square:
  • 7-8 :red_square:
  • 9-10 :purple_square:
  • 11 :black_large_square:
0 voters

I pressed ctrl+Shift by accident everyone, sorry

Nice Guide! (wip)
Added racing and wip tag (means work-in-progress.)

Also Why does this remind me of ClicClac’s GK8 (Mario/Gimkit Kart 8) map?


ok, thank you so much!

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idk but i’ve never seen it

I’ll go look at it because i’ve never seen it

Noice guide! Hope you can finish it.


Thank you! I will hopefully


Also, since you’re a basic user, (TL1) you have a very short editing time limit so make sure to finish it quick!
(1 day)


OMG, that’s kinda unfair but thank you!

This guide is finished now, and please vote on the poll!

@NavyCatZ since gimAI isn’t here pls rate this guide/post

Likes are earned, not given. But anyway, I don’t rate posts like I used to.



@ShinyRiolu you have about 50 days until tl3

oh ok, i’m sorry for bothering you

alr thank you for letting me know

Very nice guide! Aren’t tugs usually wiki thought? Anyways, I can tell you put the time and effort into it, good job.

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Thank you! I really did and I don’t really know what a tug is, I just know that ultimate guides like this are called tugs. My creative account was only activated 2 days ago so this is my second post

we need one more vote on the pole, then i’m closing

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nvm 5 more votes then i’ll close