[📜] The Ultimate Guide To Doors

the season pass will help me with my doors guide and all sorts


Also, I think it would help if you put gifs of the final products to see that they are suppose to look.

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I have a minor inconvenience with doing that

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You just got told to stay on topic. Stay on topic and quit saying you have the season pass. It’s rude to those who don’t.

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Oh ok I am going to add Crucifix Mechanic And I mean it this time

wow 114 posts hehe
a very one-sided conversation

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I have now added the crucifix function

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What next
  • Seek Crawling out of ground Animation
  • Seek Running animation
0 voters

please choose One i accidently made it a multiple choice

Could we please make something other than art? Like, how to actual replicate the Seek Chase ?(I’ve already done that but y’all know what happened)

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hmmmmm ok After this Entry I will get to that

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and its more than just art its the way to make it POP and seem realistic
with animation

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I need to motivate myself to add stuff on here sometimes and I have tried Binaural beats but it didnt work, I think my brain is telling me people are not caring about my guide much so I should not do it. I Hope not though either people forget to like the post or they just look at it and think ¨cool¨

I hope you guys still care because this guide means a lot to me


We still care!

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amigo puedes agregar El minijuego de Los hornos



Don’t worry, I’ll translate it. @Blackhole927


That’s the same name of the guy who wrote the speech banning random people and had Blackhole’s name in it in Spanish the other day…

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I could’ve translated that. I speak Spanish, (I’ve been learning on duolingo

No comprendo, amigo. que es el minijuego de los hornos?