Please dont read this it is bad

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


this kinda feels like this is off-topic
but it’s good for decoration and stuff


A quick note from the author:

This is related to GKC because it describes how to use emojis and what emojis to use in GKC. This is to serve as a library for people (like me) who want to know where emojis are and which ones to use, since I use a TON of emojis in my maps. Thank you!

Amazing guide! I hope that this is very useful to mapmakers of the future!

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May I suggest drop downs? Anyways if you went through all of them and put a description for each of them, that’s impressive.


Well, I mostly copy-pasted descriptions, for the last section though I did make a unique description for almost each one.
I might add unique descriptions though.
However I’m currently at 58000 something characters, the character limit is 32000

Perhaps you could create a document on Google Docs or Word and link it as a PDF?

Except that some people with school computers might not be able to access documents.

Right. Maybe @chunky will, if he can, and if he doesn’t have the ability to use google docs, word, or any other document service capable of creating PDFs, then he can continue on the forums.

You could have just edited the wiki

Please use dropdowns next time so people don’t have to scroll a whole hour to get to the bottom :sob:


Yes, @chunky, dropdowns are very effective, but, @Kosm0-o, The emojis and tables don’t work with dropdowns.

He could learn how to make HTML tables (very simple).

Words Words Words
More and More
🥇 🥈 🥉
    <td>Just </td>
    <td>Use </td>
    <td> </td>

I used the | tables to save time and typing, thanks for the advice though.
And if it’s too long to scroll down use
(with reply number at the end)

I was talking about the guide itself and how long it would take to get to one part of it that a user would want to get to.

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Use control f and type in the emoji or something and it should come up


My idea was for them to use ctrl f. I wanted to make a filter, Idk how to do that though so I made sections.
(no! who voted “yes”?)

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Symbol: :foot: (Foot)
Category: Body Part
Use: Can be used in sci-fi games. A severed foot?
Usefulness rating: 2

Symbol: :footprints:(Footprints)
Category: Symbols/Body Parts?
Use: Can be used in mystery/detective games. Leads to a suspect.
Usefulness rating: 3


Sorry guys, really busy now. gtg.

Anyway whoever posts more symbols, I’ll add them to my comment later and credit them. Hopefully I don’t hit the character limit again…