The Ritheked Version of Voting V1.1.1

I got a Gel Blaster!

*starts epic trolling music

Great guide, just one suggestion. I think you should instead put a link to the old guide instead of just copying and pasting it in. Also, I got a nice customizable controller for Christmas

I copied and pasted because I didn’t want to keep switching pages.

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Bump for @getrithekd for getting so far on this :stuck_out_tongue:

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How do you do this part? This trigger should make: “Has Gone” =0;“Player Votes Left” = 1; “Players Gone” = 0.

Welcome to the forums @SilverLion94
remember to read:

You use blocks. The set property block should do that.
Welcome to the forums! It’s nice to see people using my guides!

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Thank you!!! @THEHACKER120 I already did

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I’m stuck on the coding for this part: and increment Has Gone and Amount of Players Gone(Amount of Players Gone is default 0). If it is 1, it check if the Amount of Players is the Amount of Players Gone. If this check is true, then broadcast on “All Players Gone” (remember this for later).

it refers to “Has Gone”.

Is this how it is supposed to look?

You need the get property block for the properties and the number block for the numbers.

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Ok. Other than that, is there anything else that is wrong?

Snap the second if statement to the bottom of the 1st if statement.

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@getrithekd Thanks for helping me build this!!! I might need help later on if something is not working.

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Oh it’s not finished yet… I’ll finish it for you!

Thanks! How long will it take? I am making this for a school project.

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I’ll try to get this finished by the end of the week.

Ok. Thanks for the help!!!

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@getrithekd , I think it would really help if you added some pictures :slight_smile: