The Ritheked Version of Voting (1.0)! ~6% Memory | Difficulty: 🟧

I gotta make my own sometime.

It’s not called Myszian.

It’s actually called Mousian (or slician).


My name is used as a verb, so the name should be in a verb form

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Wavian sounds nice.

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Yeah, I thought of that, but I need to make a guide to put it on.

Wave can also be a noun

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On @Cameron_Sharer 's profile it says that he read 32 minutes recently. Come out, @Cameron_Sharer, it’s past late July!

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That’s just the time that they read, but if you go to their profile, it says they were seen 3 days ago.


Maybe they just took a look at things?

The guide is finished!!!

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What!?! Come on, can’t they just be back already! I need more middle schoolers to be with.

lonely middle schoolers

hello there

Hey, your not in middle school! Leave us alone!

bye :sob:


@Here_to_help this is off-topic, but do you have discord?


Something’s off

Not to be rude, but is anybody going to comment about the system I just made?

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It’s clever.

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