The Rise of Technical Gimkit

Imagine trying to make chess and not knowing about the property limit.


yes with the

getting in the way it becoming harder to make chess according to ClicClac also bro :skull: didn’t they showed this in the tutorial or something? or on a guide?

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we also have memory that we need to worry about which means we need to make space for the mechanics and do we need coding for this and if yes hey @getrithekd does coding require memory?

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500 memory


500 MEMORY?! :skull: nah and here to hoping we don’t need it. we won’t even be done with the chess guide by then.

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i think i found a way to get around the property limit… instead of using a property for each piece in the game, use one property to store all the chess piece’s locations’. lemme search up scietific chess notaion rq


per 75 blocks, not 1


oh i was about to say. but then much properity would cost for memory?

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something like 10 i think?? 10 to 100


and if i do some calucations here. with the current memory of the chess piece and board. hold on i need to ask how much memory was used in the chess guide without the mechanics

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i got it! this is algebraic chess notation:
first letter of piece’s name + the coordinate it moves to!
ex. Be5 (bishop moves to e5)

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then we would need to include the rows first so the code would know where the piece would going in which row and column! and if it avaible or not

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im thinking 2x2 gkc tile for each chess tile, and chess board is 8x8, so 4x64 = 256 gkc tiles. 256x2 memory per gkc tile = 512 memory for the chess board, but not the pieces

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Oh yeah. I sorta know how to move props using properties + channels + teleporters, which is not that complex… Was gonna make a guide on it.

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certin pieces has their own ability of where to move tho clef and goes their own coding too!

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i play chess so you want a quick tutorial of how chess pieces move?
pawn: move 1 or 2 tiles forward on the first turn, and 1 on all other turns. can only take diagonally
queen: move as many tiles you want in all directions
king: move to all adjacent tiles (1 tile in every direction)
bishop: move as many tiles in all diagonal directions
knight: move in a L shape, only piece that can just over other pieces.
rook: move as many tiles in all directions exept diagonals.


How do you get to the code I have been looking for a while. I play on Chromebook if that matters.

I mean I tried researching sentry-based detection but nothing works


Bro read the title. It says that it doesn’t have the mechanics.


ok good another chess player is here!