The Rise of Technical Gimkit

I know who Griffpatch is, he is very famous. I simply meant what they were meaning when they said that.


we overthrow the government


Let’s stay on-topic so we don’t get flagged or banned again.

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I was saying that he would find new uses for the blocks

I agree with you @Shdwy

I found something relatively interesting… ima edit this post once I get video
Edit: here is the video
Edit: Video isn’t working but @Shdwy Knew what I was talking about

I will update this later but what is interesting is that 175*2 is not equal to 300
(Tell me if the gif doesn’t work)
It doesn’t

I think that the GKC community is so highly specialized, we are probably more efficient anyway. I also think that there are some GKC Griffpatches in their own right.

yeah, I guess

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You were using wires, right?

If so, that’s the wire cap. When using 2 or more simultaneous wire outputs, you increase the rec cap to 350, and all dividends thereof.

We know about this already, but it was a very astute find! Nice job.

sorry, but I dont understand half of what you are saying. (I just heard about some limit being 300 or smth)

The gif doesn’t seem to work for me, unfortunately. It may just be my computer though…

nah I think its me…

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Normal limit = 300

You found a special case where the limit = 350.

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I did it with channels and it was 300 but it ran two times simultaneously
(I had two relays looping and an item granter and notification with channels, and the item granter gave 300 and there were 300 notifications, I thought it was 150 for each)

Wires are the thing that split, usually.

Don’t get off topic or you could get flagged.


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woo hoo, Technical Gimkit is on the rise!!!

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you just ruined the purpose of the reusable bump…………